Meet Yue Lu

Yue Lu

The Matrix Profile Foundation is excited to partner, this summer, with two UCR researchers who will help expand the quality and functionality of our codebases! Yue Lue and Kaveh Kamgar bring a wealth of valuable experience that will serve the Matrix Profile community well. In this post, learn a little bit more about Yue and her time with MPF!

Introduce who you are/your current role at UCR

My name is Yue Lu. I am a first-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. Before joining UCR, I received my B.S. degree in Software Technology and Application (with First Class Honors) from Macau University of Science and Technology in 2018. I am now working with Dr. Eamonn Keogh on time-series mining. My research interests include data mining, time-series analysis and deep learning.

What you like about your Ph.D. program

The Ph.D. program at UCR provides me with an excellent opportunity to work with Dr. Eamonn Keogh, an eminent and knowledgable professor in the field of data mining. His research works give me a new insight into how to deal with problems effectively. (In some cases, it's possible that simple ideas can work as well as or even outperform fancy & complex methods.) I believe that by working with him, I can gain a great deal of knowledge and experience different from my undergraduate study. This is what I am excited most about for my Ph.D. program.

Possible projects that you'll work on with the MPF

The projects that I’ll work on with the MPF will be involved in snippets and discords. For the first few weeks, I will write a tutorial on snippets for MPF community members, explaining the principle and usage of the snippets algorithm.

What excites you about the MPF

I am a beginner in time-series mining. Working with the MPF is a great chance for me to learn about the matrix profile and its related works, so I am very grateful and excited to be part of this team. Hopefully, I will be of some help to make the Matrix Profile better.